Build custom content types for use with XMTP
Building a custom content type enables you to manage data in a way that is more personalized or specialized to the needs of your app.
For more common content types, you can usually find a standard or standards-track content type to serve your needs.
If your custom content type generates interest within the developer community, consider proposing it as a standard content type through the XIP process.
Create the content type
Create the custom content type by creating a new file
// A test of this content type can be found in the following PR:
import { ContentTypeId } from "@xmtp/xmtp-js";
import type { ContentCodec, EncodedContent } from "@xmtp/xmtp-js";
// Create a unique identifier for your content type
export const ContentTypeMultiplyNumbers = new ContentTypeId({
authorityId: 'your.domain',
typeId: 'multiply-number',
versionMajor: 1,
versionMinor: 0,
// Define the MultiplyNumbers class
export class MultiplyNumbers {
public num1: number
public num2: number
public result: number | undefined
constructor(num1: number, num2: number, result?: number) {
this.num1 = num1
this.num2 = num2
this.result = result
// Define the MultiplyCodec class
export class ContentTypeMultiplyNumberCodec
implements ContentCodec<MultiplyNumbers>
get contentType(): ContentTypeId {
return ContentTypeMultiplyNumbers
// The encode method accepts an object of MultiplyNumbers and encodes it as a byte array
encode(numbers: MultiplyNumbers): EncodedContent {
const { num1, num2 } = numbers
return {
type: ContentTypeMultiplyNumbers,
parameters: {},
content: new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify({ num1, num2 })),
// The decode method decodes the byte array, parses the string into numbers (num1, num2), and returns their product
decode(encodedContent: EncodedContent): MultiplyNumbers {
const decodedContent = new TextDecoder().decode(encodedContent.content)
const { num1, num2 } = JSON.parse(decodedContent)
return new MultiplyNumbers(num1, num2, num1 * num2)
fallback(content: MultiplyNumbers): string | undefined {
return `Can’t display number content types. Number was ${JSON.stringify(
// return undefined to indicate that this content type should not be displayed if it's not supported by a client
// Set to true to enable push notifications for interoperable content types.
// Receiving clients must handle this field appropriately.
shouldPush(): boolean {
return true;
Configure the content types
Import and register the custom content type.
import { ContentTypeMultiplyNumberCodec } from "./xmtp-content-type-multiply-number";
const client = await Client.create({
env: "production",
codecs: [new ContentTypeMultiplyNumberCodec()],
client.registerCodec(new ContentTypeMultiplyNumberCodec());
Send the content
Send a message using the custom content type. This code sample demonstrates how to use the MultiplyCodec
custom content type to perform multiplication operations.
const numbersToMultiply = new MultiplyNumbers(2, 3);
conversation.send(numbersToMultiply, {
contentType: ContentTypeMultiplyNumbers,
Receive the content
To use the result of the multiplication operation, add a renderer for the custom content type.
To handle unsupported content types, refer to the fallback section.
if (message.contentType.sameAs(ContentTypeMultiplyNumber)) {
return message.content; // 21